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I Can’t Find the “Any” Key…

Many otech supportf us have had embarrassing IT stories where we were stressed out and cranky with the IT support center over something that turned out to be as simple as the wireless button not turned on.

One of my best happened on Monday.  I was working on my laptop and got a low battery notice.  It was plugged in at the time and I checked and rechecked all of the connections. I took the battery out and put it back in. Convinced my battery was completely dead, I was about to call our in-house IT  support when I discovered the problem.  It seems someone had turned the surge protector off over the weekend.  Oooopps!

WIth this in mind, I would like to extend a big “thank you” to the Document Solutions IT Department.  They are always professional when dealing with my lack of basic computer skills and common sense.  I don’t know how they do it.

Would love to hear your stories.

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